
#YoMeQuedoEnCasa: choreographies at pure rhythm, board games and lots of music


The coronavirus forced the Argentines to change the routine and stay at home. That is why everyone manages to spend this moment of isolation as well as possible and entertain the youngest of the family who do not have classes.

Since TN and The People We invite you to tell us how you are going through isolation. Join the call and tell us what you are doing. The idea is to share it on the screen of TN for others to be inspired by games and ideas they can make with their children. Enter here and upload your photos and videos.

Juan Martín is only three years old and he is already a musician. To pass the quarantine, he grabbed the accordion and began to play and sing to entertain himself, he gave a concert to his family.

This Friday morning, Claudia dusted off your sewing machine and got down to work. In the absence of chinstraps, she makes them herself.

TN and The People.

In addition to doing homework at home, Nacho made a poster to raise awareness of the importance of staying home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Carlos is also in his forties and grabbed Frankie’s puppet, who not only asks questions but also gives answers to the little ones and explains why they have to stay home.

Nina is a very restless baby, that’s why her mother put together a choreography at full speed. To the usual games he put a little gymnastics and music to full.

In this house everyone helps with homework. So the mother put the little ones to cook. They recorded a video where the little brothers are seen peeling garlic and giving instructions on how to do it.

In times of internet and electronic games these parents changed their habits and decided to entertain boys with board games. Olivia lives in Dique Luján and plays the traditional lottery.

Sharata He lives in San Cristóbal and respecting the quarantine, he does his homework. In the living room he built the classroom with a computer, books, notes and of course his friends the stuffed animals.

TN and The People.
TN and The People.


Written by Argentina News

Corresponsal de Argentina, Encargado de seleccionar las noticias más relevantes de su interés a nuestro sitio web

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