
Fede Bal with an open heart, for the first time since his diagnosis: “I am doing several things to see my illness differently”


Almost two weeks ago, Federico Bal -through a moving video that he posted on his Instagram– He said he faces bowel cancer. He did not mince words: he named the disease with his name. No taboos and the like. Of course, each one fights the battle with his weapons. But perhaps, facing reality and not hiding it makes the problem somewhat less complex. And while hearing what he has from his own mouth caused surprise in the artistic neighborhood and in his followers, along the same lines Fede He brought calm to everyone who encouraged him with a message of support: “I am young and I am strong.”

In just these two weeks, the actor changed not only habits but also ways of thinking. And in an exclusive chat with Teleshow, reveals how he is going through this moment. With the fortitude and strength that he inherited from his parents, Carmen Barbieri Y Santiago Bal, and with his head held high, he finds a way to follow this path. For now, take the opportunity to read a book that was given to him and that was the gateway to a new world. There is the key, there he finds the right words. “I’m reading Many lives, many teachers, a book of Brian Weiss. It was recommended to me by many people … Facu, a friend, gave it to me when my old man passed away

Fede has a time of day when he feels at ease how to carry on his reading. A moment in which he, the sun warming his soul and his favorite book, get along wonderfully. “I like to read in the morning. This book is a great book to find a new path and a new way of seeing death, fears. I mean it is a great book for anyone who wants to enter the world of the spiritual. It is a great book for beginners like me. ”

He talks about a universe about which, at least publicly, he had never mentioned. A different look. Another panorama. “I mean that I am, at least, understanding that there may be other ways of seeing life, other ways of living. I was a very closed guy, and this health problem led me to open some doors that were closed“, Explain.

As a result of these doors that were opening and that allowed him other glances, he began to venture into new paths. “I am meditating, doing reiki … I constellated last Saturday, it was a kind of group therapy where we all put ourselves at the service of clarifying and visualizing conflicts. It is a really beautiful path where I found a lot of peace. Nothing, there are several things I do to see my illness differently. See it as a process for change. It is difficult to explain, but I think you understand what I mean … “, Federico confides, and speaks to the journalist, but surely also to who will read these lines.

To all this, not only did he change his outlook and the way of looking at life, he also turned other aspects, such as food, upside down. “What we consume is very important, what we put into our body. I said it in a post a few days ago: I felt like I lived 30 years doing things wrong. I stopped eating red meat, white meat, fish. I gave up sugar, soft drinks, alcohol, and non-organic fruits and vegetables, dairy, milk, and all agrochemical processed foods. I’m not saying you have to do this, I want make it clear that you need to see a doctor first, to a nutritionist, please ”.

Further, Fede He detailed as follows the treatment in times of total quarantine. Since he is a risk patient, he does not leave his house at all, but he will have to begin when he begins to walk the road to recovery. “I have a certificate for free movement, they already gave it to me. And on Wednesday I start with the lightning and chemo treatment. ”

And that day, it will arrive there being another. A Federico Bal very different from what he was less than two weeks ago.


Written by Argentina News

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