
why it appears and how to remove it / Spain News

Araceli Nicolas



The appearance of the hair has a great influence on the mood of women. And one of the problems that can affect you is dandruff. Those whitish or yellowish scales, which can even fall on the shoulders and are very visible if you wear dark clothes, can cause great discomfort. The Dr. Juan Jiménez Cauhé, dermatologist at the Hospital Ramón y Cajal, and member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (AEDV), explains that «the exact cause is not knownBut it is known that an overgrowth of Malassezia furfur (a fungus that is part of the normal flora of the skin and scalp) can contribute to an increase in the rate of renewal of epidermal cells. ‘

Actually, the white or yellow scales is Dead skin that is shedding from the scalp.

Why does the cause appear

Although the exact cause of dandruff is unknown, there are several factors that are known to influence its appearance. The dermatologist Juan Jiménez Cauhé cites «endogenous factors among which the hormonal changes they can influence, for this reason it usually begins at puberty; there may be a genetic predisposition, so that in people with a tendency to oily skin it is more frequent; some dermatological diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis or atopic dermatitis also favor it, as well as certain medications and systemic diseases (such as HIV or Parkinson’s) can be associated with an increase in dandruff. The expert also adds some external factors. «Dandruff empowers in winter and improves in summer. Although it is not caused by emotional factors or imbalances, like any skin condition, it can worsen in times of increased stress. And the use of unsuitable hair products or excessively greasy, it can also favor its appearance ».

From left to right: Dercos de Vichy anti-dandruff shampoo for dry hair (€ 14.80); Isdin Nutradeica anti-oily dandruff shampoo (€ 22.05); Ducray Sqanorm dry anti-dandruff shampoo (€ 10.05) – DR

Dry dandruff or oily dandruff?

To treat the dandruff it is essential to have a personalized diagnosis by a dermatologist. And one of the first aspects is to differentiate if it is oily dandruff or dry dandruff. The Dr. Rita Rodrigues, a dermatologist from the Trichology and Hair Transplant unit of the Pedro Japan Group, comments that “the oily dandruff (also called steatoid pityriasis) is a manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis. The scales are usually yellowish and oily and do not peel off the skin easily. Instead, the dry dandruff (pityriasis simplex), which is the most common, is a finer, white or grayish peeling, which does come off easily.

In general, in its mildest manifestations, dandruff does not cause discomfort, except for aesthetic discomfort. But sometimes dandruff can also be accompanied by itchiness, burning and even erythema. In the latter case, it is usually associated with seborrheic dermatitis and a medical treatment to improve all symptoms.

From left to right: Melaleuca de René Furterer anti-dandruff shampoo for oily hair (€ 17.35); Seskavel de Sesderma anti-dandruff shampoo (€ 13.50); PhytoSquam purifying anti-dandruff shampoo from Phyto Laboratories (€ 14.90). – DR

Can dandruff be removed?

Dry dandruff can disappear, however, oily dandruff usually needs maintenance treatments. “Dandruff disappears when the right treatments are applied, but returns as soon as its application is interrupted. In fact, it is a very frequent mistake in consultation: patients use the prescribed shampoos and follow the therapeutic guidelines until they see that they no longer have dandruff; They leave them and the dandruff comes back, ”says Dr. Rita Rodriges.

Although there are home remedies and tricks that claim to eliminate dandruff, there is no scientific evidence, and the only effective solution is to use a specific anti-dandruff shampoo, depending on whether it is oily or dry dandruff. Used correctly, the anti-dandruff shampoo minimizes breakouts, also fights itching, if it exists, and improves the appearance of hair with dandruff. On the other hand, the most severe cases may require ‘systemic treatments with corticosteroids, antifungals, keratolytics… ”, Affirms the dermatologist of the Pedro Jaén Group.

How to care for dandruff hair

When there is an outbreak, you have to wash hair with dandruff shampoo frequently, even daily, if necessary. Once the outbreak is controlled, experts advise using once a week the anti-dandruff shampoo and wash the hair with a mild shampoo the rest of the days. Conditioners and masks can also be used to hydrate the hair, preferably adapted to this type of hair: dandruff or oily. Although styling products they do not cause dandruff, Dr. Jiménez Cauhé explains that “they can leave residues on the scalp and make it more oily. It is not necessary to avoid them, but it is recommended to limit their use. On the other hand, in cases of dry dandruff, without itching or inflammation, they can be used dyes. But in the case of seborrheic dermatitis, they should be avoided, as they can make the situation worse.

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