
Why is World Water Day celebrated and what can we do to help change?


The idea of ​​celebrating this international day dates back to 1992, the year in which the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro took place, and in which the proposal arose. That same year, the General Assembly adopted the resolution by which March 22 of each year was declared world water day.

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The current situation of water in the world

In 2023, the motto that accompanies the event is “Accelerate change”. Accompanied by the call to company action with the message “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

Poster of the Water Conference 2023 – UN

More than 2,000 million people around the world do not have access to drinking water sources, and up to 3.5 million of them die due to diseases related to poor water quality. In addition, the world population continues to rise and it is estimated that, in just two decades, the demand for water will increase by more than 50% worldwide.

What can we do to accelerate change?

Those who have access to water have to make a responsible use for the change to be visible. There are changes that are structural, such as investing to recycle soapy water from the kitchen or the shower to be used in the toilet. But there are many actions that can be done on a daily basis from home:

  • Take short baths
  • Water the plants and the lawn at night with the necessary amount of water
  • Take advantage of rainwater, for example for irrigation
  • Check the pipes to avoid leaks and unwanted leaks
  • Do not throw polluting products or oily waste down the toilet or the kitchen and bathroom sinks.

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How to dispose of used oil

One liter of used oil can contaminate up to a thousand liters of water. The main problems associated with the incorrect disposal of these oils are: the clogging of pipes and drains that can lead to flooding caused by rain, the biological degradation of water courses (since they cause a decrease in the oxygen available in them) and their use. illegal as inputs for the food industry (for margarines, oil-mixes and lower quality derivatives).

The Secretary of the Environment of the city of Buenos Aires is carrying out a campaign of oil collection used vegetable (AVU) in order to raise awareness about the correct management of this waste. Thanks to this measure, implemented since 2016, it has been possible to protect an amount of water equivalent to 87 Olympic pools.

A liter of used oil can contaminate up to a thousand liters of water (Photo: Max Avans/Pexels)

We work on initiatives that aim to promote sustainable and responsible practices in citizens. If it is not properly disposed of, Used Vegetable Oil can have a negative impact on our environment,” said Inés Gorbea, Buenos Aires Secretary of the Environment.

Neighbors who come to the Mobile Green Points must deliver cold oil in 1.5-liter plastic bottles, closed and clean.

The Mobile Green Points are vans that travel through the City throughout the year with the aim of bringing residents closer to the possibility of carrying, in addition to used oil, electrical and electronic equipment waste, disused lamps, batteries and ink and toner cartridges. , coffee capsules and empty bags of balanced food.

To know the schedule of the Mobile Green Points, you can enter here.


Written by Argentina News

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