
what are the first SYMPTOMS and how to detect it


Along with ischemic heart disease, stroke has ranked first in the global causes of death ranking for 15 years

He cerebrovascular accident (CVA) It has been one of the main causes of death worldwide for 15 years. According to World Health Organization (WHO), together with ischemic heart disease causes more than 15 million deaths each year.

It is a pathology that produces a interruption or reduction of blood supply that goes to a sector of brain. This prevents brain tissue from receiving oxygen and nutrients, which quickly causes neuron death, which is what later will leave sequelae in the patient.

While it is a severe disorder and that, where possible, it is important to prevent, it is worth mentioning that have treatment and that, in many cases, it is successful. However, to treat it, the early detection. In this sense, it is the ordinary people, who surround the patient, who will have the greatest capacity for influence and, ultimately, diagnosis.

What does this mean? What if he patient environment you are informed about what a stroke is, how it manifests itself and what its first symptoms are, you can react quickly and bring the person to the limelight. Of course it will be there where the painting will be treated in the most appropriate way.

Now what are they and how to recognize the primary symptoms of a stroke? There is a rule known as the “5 C”, which precisely aims to make it easier to remember each of the manifestations that may appear.

The first is headache; In general, patients who are having a stroke report having intense headache and have never felt before. It is important to pay attention to this symptom, since it can be essential.

Headache is one of the symptoms of stroke

Another frequent symptom is blindness, total or partial; it may be that the person completely loses the vision of one of his eyes, or even begins to see blurred.

The confusions they may also appear before a stroke picture. Many patients are they are wrong in the words they say, or begin to forget what they were talking about, or in the worst cases, what they say is not understood.

He Body It is another element to consider when evaluating whether a person is in that situation. It’s about the feeling the person has, you have to focus on whether you feel the whole body or if there is any part that does not have sensitivity.

The last c is that of drop. As a consequence of the whole episode, the person Loses balance, which may or may not be accompanied by loss of consciousness, and falls. In general, it is a symptom that manifests itself after the rest and not suddenly.

With an ongoing stroke, the person is likely to fall

With an ongoing stroke, the person is likely to fall

Beyond the aforementioned early detection and treatment, it is necessary to take into account that the prevention Play a fundamental role in this pathology.
Control blood pressure, especially in hypertensive patients, it is one of the main measures that can be taken in this regard. In addition, keeping it at low levels, either naturally or with medication, will help a lot in this process.

Reduce the amount of cholesterol and saturated fat in the diet is another essential factor, which implies consuming less cholesterol and fat, especially saturated and trans fats.

Quit smoking, control diseases like diabetes, and maintain a healthy weight they can also act positively on the body.
Frequent exercise, as well as moderate alcohol consumption, can help reduce the chances of a patient going through a stroke and suffering the consequences.

It is worth mentioning that, in some cases, it is necessary to use medication to help a person reduce those possibilities, especially in patients who have already had a stroke or a transient ischemic accident. This type of medication must be indicated by a specialist, who in turn must monitor the evolution of the patient in the time that he uses them.

Stroke risk factors

As with other conditions, there are a number of elements that can predispose to that a patient has a ACV. Some of them are personal factors, that is, they cannot be modified; But there are others that constitute unhealthy habits and that can be modified. Therein lies the importance of prevention; These are the aspects of daily life that can be modified and that can allow you to avoid having a stroke.

The diabetes, obesity and hypertension they are part of the first group of risk factors. Although they are pathologies that can be controlled -and that can also be prevented-, the truth is that once they are installed in the body they increase the risk of having a stroke.

Diabetes can predispose to having a stroke

Diabetes can predispose to having a stroke

Within the group of modifiable risk factors are smoking, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating and stress. The latter could be included within the elements that “come with the person” and cannot be modified, since in many cases it chronifies and behaves like other diseases. However, with proper treatment and habits, stress is a factor that can be modified, although it is undeniable that stressed people are at greater risk of stroke.

Stroke, among the 10 main causes of death

According to World Health Organization (WHO) more than half of the total deaths recorded in the world (the 54%) are a consequence of 10 causes listed below.

The main causes of mortality in the world are the ischemic heart disease and stroke, causing about 15.2 million deaths and have been the main causes of mortality in recent 15 years.

The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) causes nearly three million deaths annually, while the lung cancer, along with those of the trachea and bronchi, it leads the life of 1.7 million people. The death toll from diabetes, which was less than a million in 2000 and currently number 1.6 million. Deaths attributable to dementia They more than doubled between 2000 and 2016, making this disease the fifth leading cause of death in the world in 2016.

The lower respiratory tract infections They continue to be the deadliest communicable disease, as they cause three million deaths worldwide. The mortality rate from diarrheal diseases, which fell by almost one million between 2000 and 2016, was 1.4 million deaths in 2016. The number of deaths from tuberculosis has also decreased during the same period, but this disease continues to be one of the 10 main causes of death, with 1.3 million deaths. In contrast, HIV / AIDS is no longer among the top 10 causes; If, in 2016, 1.1 million people died from this cause, in 2000 this figure fell to 1.5 million.

Traffic accidents claimed 1.4 million lives in 2016; about three quarters of the victims (74%) were male.

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