
Unusual: the governor of La Rioja regretted having “cabarets closed” because of the quarantine


The Governor of La Rioja, Ricardo Quintela, made an unusual mistake during a radio interview in which he explained his position regarding social, preventive and compulsory isolation in Argentina by the coronavirus: “Here we have closed cabaret,” he lamented.

This is one of the five provincial leaders who ordered the mandatory use of the chinstrap and is also one of the voices that propose to Alberto Fernández to continue with the total quarantine.

This is why he gave several interviews to national media to explain his position.

In one of the reports, with CNN Radio, committed the furcio: “I am concerned with everything, because if one sector is opened, other sectors will press ‘why not them’. Here we have closed cabaret“he said and immediately corrected himself:” Sorry, parties, bars, confectionery, dance clubs, hotels, shops, we have everything closed. “

I have a position taken: I am one of those who consider that it is necessary to make a greater effort and extend the quarantine for a few more weeks”, Considered in dialogue with María Laura Santillán in CNN The topic of the day.

Let it rise when the virus cycle ends. What is the point of this effort if not?“Quintela remarked in dialogue with FM Milenium earlier.

“We need to ensure that we have overcome the pandemic. We are in a highly risky situation, “insisted the La Riojan governor.

Quintela also referred to the mandatory use of chinstrap in his province: “It is a measure that will not solve things but will help to control this pandemic more

The provincial president will be part of the virtual meeting with President Alberto Fernández that will define the last details of the “selective isolation” that will take effect on Monday.


Written by Argentina News

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