
This is the most sought-after benefit by employees today / Argentina News


The offices change their appearance, and the time distribution is no longer rigid. Everyone in the workplace adapts to the demand for talents

In a scenario of crisis, health and economic in much of the planet, workers begin to change the order of priorities of what they look for in their jobs. While years ago the salary was the first thing they evaluated to accept a proposal, today the flexibility That they are offered from a company will be the decisive factor in whether or not to take a new position.

This is determined by the report prepared by Jabra, in which it analyzes how the hybrid working model that is being definitively will be imposing as the post-pandemic world progresses.

In this scenario, for 59% flexible work is the main labor benefit and motivation engine for employees, exceeding salary. In addition, the 73% believe that in the future offices as a workspace will be considered more as a benefit, than the usual place to go. However, 71% of employees around the world still consider the workspace as a place where socialize.

Why do employees want to return to the office? In general, they give priority to favoring collaboration between teams, the motivation and problems with technological tools.

And while flexibility is the most longed for, three out of four employees are skeptical about the hybrid mode due to uneven and poor communication within organizations. As complementary data, the study reveals that only 20% of those surveyed believe that their organization is well prepared for hybrid work. In addition, more than half (52%) have expressed a desire to work from home, but are concerned about how their professional career may be affected by this decision.

Favoring listening spaces is essential for hybrid work models.

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“It is important at this time for organizations large and small to be able to find the right balance between economics and empathy, it is so more than 40% of companies worldwide seek to improve the well-being of their employees“, highlights Brian Klahr, founding partner of Cuponstar.

Even when analyzing what their clients are doing to attract talents with benefits, in Cuponstar they detected that 38% of them implemented the flexible day for employees, which consists of taking a day off at any time to dedicate it to something they choose .

The truth is that companies are paying attention to the demand of their collaborators, and that is why studies are multiplying. Thus, The Work Trend Index, which is carried out in 31 countries, detected that 66% of leaders are considering redesign the offices to adapt it to a hybrid work. In turn, 73% of employees want flexible work options to stay.

“Returning to the work model that prevailed before the pandemic will be a step backwards. It is necessary to capture this opportunity taking into account the needs of the business and the people. Leaders must be present even if they do not have all the answers, experiment, generate spaces that help to generate collective meaning, strive to understand and empathize with different parts of the system, and co-build knowledge to generate meaning and move agilely in search of the new paradigm in our workplace “, says María Victoria Bernárdez, founding partner of the consultancy Blueberry Fox.

Uncontracted spaces that facilitate socialization, the objective of offices today.


The new office is open to the demand of the collaborators, looking for more relaxed spaces that offer not only meters to maintain an optimal distance, but also contact with nature and scenarios that promote productivity, the wellness and the sociability among the workers.

“For the fourth quarter of 2021, in the demand for spaces outdoor (patios and terraces) we project a growth of more than 700% compared to last year due to the strong vaccination campaign and the need for economic openness to relieve neglected sectors “, says Mabel Ciancio, cofounder of EspaciosYA.

“We are in a period of transition, facing a challenging present. We still cannot assure anything, but we see generalized behaviors in other cities of the world that are guiding us as the return to the offices with a hybrid model, still in search of the optimal model. Interest in outdoor spaces such as gardens, terraces and balconies was also valued, “said Mali Vázquez, institutional director of the Business Chamber of Urban Developers of the Argentine Republic (CEDU).


Written by Argentina News

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