
The TN spot that excited Nelson Castro and Alberto Crescenti


TN pays tribute to all health professionals for the enormous effort and the risk to which they are exposed daily, at times when they are dedicated to the care of all by the coronavirus.

The institutional message highlights the need for care and dignity that doctors should receive, in the face of situations of abuse they suffer. The spot thrilled the driver of The Correponsal Nelson Castro and one of his guests, SAME director Alberto Crescenti.

“Our doctors, male and female nurses, health assistants, They risk their life for us. Deserve dignity and security, in addition to the respect and gratitude of all of us, “is the message.

Beyond the gesture of many citizens, who come out onto the balconies every night to applaud and celebrate the work of all health professionals in this delicate situation, we must emphasize the respect and care they deserve.

A problem that crosses borders

Nelson said that mistreatment of doctors, especially at this time, “is a very deep topic around the world.” He recalled a video of Spanish doctors that went viral on social networks, who warned that they are not cared for and that their wages they are low, even though they save lives.

He explained that in the country the doctors highlight the gesture of the citizens, who applaud them every night but that some also express their discomfort. “Many appreciate it, but others also express their anger, because they say: “We have a hard time every day.” They are abused and do not work in the best conditions, “he recalled.

He asked people to reflect on the treatment of doctors and their work, which is very difficult. Fundamentally in this situation. “Who is on the other side unknown the anguish they feel, the despair they suffer when they do not have the elements to work, the outrage at the mistreatment, “he said. He warned that many believe that they are indifferent to what happens to others.

“The doctors’ work is important every day”

Against this background, he said that society is currently aware of the value of the work of health teams. “Not realizing what their work is worth every day, which is important. As they face difficult situations, with psychological, social and pathological risks “, he claimed. He recalled that many times “they do not have the glove and the camisole they need”, and that this should make us reflect on “the other side of things”, the one we do not see.

He considered that despite the gestures that people have with them such as applause, they wonder What is going to happen when the coronavirus is controlled. “Will it be learned? Because experiences like these leave lessons,” he said. He said that “there is no doubt that public health is essential” and that the knowledge of doctors it is worth our life.


Written by Argentina News

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