
Sudden rain in the City: how will the weather continue this week?


After the heat wave that hit Marchthe rain and with her the drop in temperature. As reported by the National Meteorological Service (SMN), during the long weekend the weather will have a drop in heat.

In the early hours of this Saturday, about 30 milliliters fell in the City of Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires suburbs. It also rained this Saturday afternoon, although the sun quickly came out again.

Also read: Record: the heat wave lasted 18 days and there are no records in 100 years of such a long period

It rained in the City of Buenos Aires. (Photo: Telam)

How is the temperature in the week

In fact, around 5:00 p.m. Deluge and it is expected that with it lower the temperature. The maximum of this Saturday it was of 29° while the minimum would be around 22°. For the next few days, the SNM reported rains and lower numbers for the City of Buenos Aires.

  • For him Sunday the highest temperature will touch the 25° and the lowest will reach 16th. According to the SMN, it will be the coldest day of the week.
  • He Monday the maximum will be 26° and the minimum of 18th.
  • For his part, he Tuesday it will be the best day warm of the week with a temperature of 30° as taller and 19th the lowest.
  • He Wednesday there will be another drop in temperature: with chances of rain and stormsthe maximum will reach 27° and the minimum to 21°.
  • At the end of the week, the heat will drop again Thursday and the highest temperature will be 23 and the lowest of 18th.
  • For him Friday will stay at 23 the maximum and 19th the minimum.

Also read: In the core agricultural zone, only 23% of the soybeans estimated at the beginning of the campaign will be harvested


Written by Argentina News

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