
safe deposit boxes yes, savings bank no


The only way to access the dollars saved will be found in safes. They will get staff to serve their clients who rent

The partial reopening of the banks to the general public, next Monday, will come with restrictions: one of them is the access of savers to their dollar deposits. Due to the prohibition of service at the windows, customers will not be able to withdraw tickets, nor deposit.

ATMs are not capable of giving or receiving green bills. “They are not adapted,” a Central Bank source told iProfesional.

“We are concerned so that people can access all the money they need. ATMs are trained to give up to $ 10 billion a day. We need to reassure people that they will have that money. For now, dollar savers will have to wait,” added the same source consulted.

The only way to access the dollars saved will be if they are in the safes. The banks will put staff to serve their clients who rent safety boxes, but the La Bancaria union resisted having staff at the windows.

The Central Bank wants banks to serve 100 percent again from the following week, which starts on Monday the 20th.

To achieve this, next week there will be open negotiations with both the union and the bankers. The decision will be made in line with the evolution of the pandemic, they announced from the BCRA.

An approximation to what may happen will be seen starting tonight -or at most Saturday morning- when Alberto Fernández makes the quarantine extension official.

“Next week it is ruled out because the banks will have to attend to 700,000 retirees and pensioners per day, who are going to collect their assets, but the other week we will no longer have that pressure and we want to open up completely,” a professional told iProfesional. high source of the BCRA.

From Monday the 13th, the bank branches will reopen the doors to customers in general, but there will be no possibility of making operations at the windows. And the assistance will be distributed through shifts that, since yesterday, began to be posted on the website of each institution.

It is very likely that assistance to banks in shifts will continue, to avoid crowds, but both Alberto F. and Pesce believe that the total reopening of financial institutions will help economic activity in the midst of quarantine, and will decompress the disorderly social situation derived from the branch closings.

What happened on Friday of last week, with thousands of retirees and pensioners crowding in front of the doors of banks in the streets, was an alarm that rang in all official offices.

In addition, at the Central Bank they believe that if the banks reopen they will notice an improvement in the activity of micro and small companies, whose managers go to branches to carry out various procedures, which have now been suspended.

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