
reduce SALARIES in large companies


They will pay between 80 and 100% of the salary for up to two months. It was signed by Falabella, the Call Centers and other service chains

The trade employees union agreed on Thursday suspensions in retail chains, clothing, home appliances and call centers. The understandings contemplate the payment of between 80% and 100% of the remuneration, depending on the case, and were reached in order to maintain employment, according to the union entity.

The agreements were signed with Falabella, CMR Falabella, Electrónica Megatone (Musimundo), Gerenciar, Bazar Avenida, Consumo, Tinsa, Total Support, Conmega and Vesubio (Lacoste). One was also signed with the third-party contact chamber, which gathers call centers in almost the entire country.

The commitments followed the scheme established by the Government through article 223 bis of the Labor Contract Law, a mechanism that allows the negotiation of suspensions with a reduction in wages and the reduction of employer contributions.

“We inform you that several agreements that are framed in the context of article 223 bis have been signed in order to maintain job sources, without suspensions and without dismissal,” said a statement bearing the signature of the head of the union, Armando Cavalieri .

The Executive authorized this modality to prevent unilateral dismissals and suspensions from the cases known in the Techint group, the Mirgor electronics and the LAN airline, where measures were taken without the endorsement of the unions.

In this framework, the business leader agreed to licenses for 80% of the net salary in Falabella. The company notified employees in recent days that they will be suspended until further notice.

From the union they indicated that the rest of the salary could be covered by the official program of assistance to companies (ATP). Those who meet the requirements will receive a complementary salary per registered worker, equivalent to 50% of the February net with a floor of $ 16,875 and a cap of $ 33,750.

The Call Centers, on the other hand, will pay 90% of the pocket salary for three months throughout the country, with the exception of the province of Córdoba where the ATTAC union agreement governs. While Musimundo and Lacoste will pay April’s net salary at 100% non-remunerative.

Meanwhile, Cavalieri continues to discuss a framework agreement to agree on licenses with the Chamber of Commerce (CAC) and the Chamber of Medium-sized Enterprises (CAME) in an activity with more than 1.2 million employees.

These talks were virtually suspended with the launch of the ATP. The companies had until this Thursday to sign up for the subsidy plan financed with ANSES funds. As of last night, more than 180,000 signatures with two million employees had entered from a total of 426,000 applications.

Now, the union seeks to improve the proposal so that the impact on wages is as small as possible. “It is being rethought, what is not wanted is to sign agreements with the state money and that the companies do not contribute anything,” they said from the Cavalieri environment.

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