
Quirós on Telenoche, on the record of deaths: “It is one of the most difficult pains of this pandemic”


Today was the record day of deaths from coronavirus in Argentina. 52 victims in the last 24 hours reaching 1437 in total. It is the peak in the death curve since the pandemic hit the country. The number of infections was 2,845 and the total amounts to 72,786. In this context, we spoke with the Minister of Health of the City of Buenos Aires, Fernán Quirós. Although he always maintains his forms, he could not hide the pain due to the number of victims of the pandemic.

“Is very shy” Quirós assured on Telenoche. He admitted that the death curve is on the rise although he was optimistic because the contagion curve is flattening. “It is one of the most difficult pains of this pandemic,” said the Minister when asked about his feelings with the arrival of these numbers.

Speaking about the long quarantine that the city is carrying out, he assured: “We have asked for an effort from all the citizens.” Quirós is one of the ministers who talks the most about the health consequences of confinement and that is why he reaffirms his position. “We are committed to making the effort as short as possible” He hopes that the greatest number of activities can be released after July 17.

The other major concern is the number of beds that the peak of the pandemic has to withstand. It is at this point that Quirós is also optimistic because he assured that “the number of occupied therapy beds decreased”. This is great news at the moment when it is the center of attention of the National, Provincial and City Government. “There is some stability in the cases in the city” the Minister closes.


Written by Argentina News

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