
Quarantine: He left his house to go to the supermarket and crossed a sheep


Despite the fact that the streets are deserted due to the mandatory quarantine to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, a young man came across an unexpected visitor who went for a walk.

The unusual event occurred in the town of Lanús, when a driver recorded with his cell phone a sheep in the middle of the street. That was not all: the animal even crossed the sidewalk passing in front of his vehicle.

The young man himself was the one who shared the video on social networks and commented: “I went to the supermarket and found a sheep on the street. This is Lanús.”

This is not the first animal seen in the absence of inhabitants. In TN and The People we show images of a Rhea in Ituzaingó, a duck family in Córdoba, coatis in Misiones and even a group of foxes playing in the garden of a neighbor of Ushuaia.


Written by Argentina News

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