
Coronavirus in Argentina | There are 34 cases in a Buenos Aires sanatorium and there could be another 200 infected


There is concern in a private sanatorium in the City where there is 3. 4 cases of coronavirus, reported the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health, while 200 people are under suspicion of contagion. Health professionals warn that they didn’t deliver protection elements to protect yourself from the virus. Justice investigates the case.

This is the La Providencia sanatorium located in San Nicolás, in Tucumán in 1800, where the protocol was activated and there is no attention to the public. Patients who came because they had appointments for consultations were referred to other centers in the area.

The City Ministry of Health reported that there are 34 confirmed cases, that the staff received a license and that from the first moment it is found under monitoring of the organism’s Epidemiology team.

The outbreak was allegedly caused by a patient admitted on March 13 for spinal surgery. Then he developed a picture of pneumonia, it was isolated and the test that was done determined that was infected. “Such investigation is ongoing to determine the patient’s epidemiological link,” the City statement said.

Employees questioned that they were not provided with the proper equipment to prevent infections such as masks and gloves. The case is under judicial investigation.

The case of the Belgrano Hospital in San Martín

It is not the only health center where there are cases of coronavirus. Since in the Manuel Belgrano Hospital from San Martín, in the suburbs, there are 16 infected professionals.

Last week the Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof visited the establishment. After learning of the outbreak, the Province explained to Two voices that “is being controlled and there are no symptoms. “

Then the governor assured in dialogue with Radio The Network who had no close contact with anyone who was infected. He advanced that will not go to the meeting scheduled for this afternoon with President Alberto Fernández, who will receive the governors. “I am not going to attend because of liability,” he explained.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus and how is it prevented (Infographic:


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