
Coronavirus in Argentina | Formosa let the stranded waiting on the route enter


The formoseños that they were prohibited from returning to their province due to a lack of isolation centers finally available were empowered to enter the territory. After being stranded on route 18 days, the authorities allowed them to cross the border with Chaco this Wednesday. However, those who do not have residence in that jurisdiction continue to be prohibited from entering.

In dialogue with TN, Walter, who was part of the group of 20 people left adrift on June 13, told: “I am happy, now in my province and closer to my home. We are in a hostel serving isolation”.

After almost three weeks of surviving the elements and thanks to the donations that the truckers who were driving along the route brought them, the man from Formosa expressed his emotion by returning to the most basic resources.

“We have hot water and comfort. I was able to lie down on a mattress after many days of sleeping on the floor, in the hard earth and the humidity “, he said and added:” When the Police came on Tuesday to give the list of who we were going to pass I started to crybecause I couldn’t believe it. “

After again thanking the solidarity of the truckers and the Chaco Highway Police, Walter referred to the members of the group who are still on the roadside. “We are giving them a lot of encouragement. They are seven people than can’t enter, since the Government ordered that the priority is for those who have domicile in the province “, he detailed.

However, he stated that many of those still stranded can verify that they have relatives in Formosa, for which he asked the Government for a prompt resolution of his situation. “I hope that in the course of these days they let them in. That they do what they have to do, that they sign an affidavit. We continue to support them “he concluded.

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Written by Argentina News

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