
CDMX Prosecutor’s Office supported Maryfer Centeno after receiving alleged threats from Sergio Mayer


(Instagram: @sergiomayerb // @hectorparrag // @maryfer_centeno)
(Instagram: @sergiomayerb // @hectorparrag // @maryfer_centeno)

Hours before a judge ruled sentence against Héctor Parra For the crime of corruption of minors, several Mexican communicators who have not only spoken publicly about the case, but have also exposed some irregularities, received restriction measures at the request of Alexa Parra.

Almost at the same time, Maryfer Centeno received a threat through her social networks. She is a lawyer and graphologist with a career in the media who in recent years has positioned herself among the main trends in social networks due to the controversial analysis of body language that she has done on various personalities from the national artistic environment. In fact, on her channel Youtube Observations on the people involved in the Héctor Parra case are available.

These are the messages the graphologist received.  (Tw: @Grafocafe)
These are the messages the graphologist received. (Tw: @Grafocafe)

The collaborator of Today resorted to his account Twitter to expose a threatening message that he received in the last hours apparently as a result of the statements he has made about Alexa Parra, Ginny Hoffman and Sergio Mayer, the latter being the one who was supposedly behind the warning he received since his name appeared in the text .

Since you like to go where no one calls you, I recommend that you don’t go out and watch your words with Deputy Mayer because he’s going to fuck you, take care of yourself and your dogs, we have you well located. We know your husband rides a bike. There, stay at home because we have you located. You have 24 hours.

(Twitter: @Grafocafe)
(Twitter: @Grafocafe)

The screenshot shared by Maryfer Centeno went viral and both followers and coworkers and friends showed their support. It was within the comments section of the original post that the Mexico City Prosecutor’s Office made itself available to the graphologist with the intention of helping her protect her integrity and that of her family.

“Good evening, would you be so kind as to follow our account to give you attention by direct message? We are at your service, ”she reads herself.


So far it is unknown if the lawyer requested the support of the CDMX Prosecutor’s Office, since she only replied thanking the support. Likewise, she wrote a brief message where she assured that she does all her content with great respect for all those involved and will continue to do so based on her knowledge endorsed by her.

All my life I will do my work with love, with passion, nothing happens just that the precedent remains. I keep going on.

Daniela Parra, Héctor Parra and Alexa Hoffman are in legal trouble (Jovani Pérez/Infobae)
Daniela Parra, Héctor Parra and Alexa Hoffman are in legal trouble (Jovani Pérez/Infobae)

It was on the morning of Thursday, May 25, when a legal document in the name of Alexa Parra began to circulate on social networks. This is a measure of restriction that the young woman filed against six communicators and her half-sister, Daniela Parra, for all the comments that they have made publicly about the case that she maintains against her father and aggressor of her, Hector Parra.

The journalists mentioned are: Jorge Carbajal, Felipe Cruz “El Filip”, Michelle Ruvalcaba, Angélica Palacios, Rodrigo Quiroz “El argüenderito” and Gustavo Adolfo Infante.

It was the hosts of En Shock who informed their audience about the restriction measure that Alexa Parra filed against her, for which they will no longer be able to present any type of information about the Héctor Parra case, much less mention the name of the victim or Ginny Hoffmann.

“Suddenly I receive a WhatsApp message, it says: ‘


Written by Argentina News

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