
A tree fell on Corrientes Avenue and destroyed three cars: “I was saved by a miracle”


Minutes after noon on the avenue Currents to 4800 in the Villa Crespo neighborhood A tree fell and smashed three cars.

Ramiro Andrade, a user of TN and The People who was at the scene, recorded the scene and shared it on the citizen journalism portal.

The young man said that he is a delivery man of cleaning supplies, and had gone down to deliver merchandise when he heard a noise, turned around and saw the fallen tree.

“I was two meters away and I was saved by a miracle. The tree smashed three cars and a taxi driver was slightly injured. He was attended by an ambulance that arrived minutes later, “said the young man.

The tree fell on a car that was parked, and caught two cars passing by, including a taxi. In the other vehicle was an older man with his grandson, who were uninjured.

The police arrived at the scene and for the moment the transit is interrupted.


Written by Argentina News

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