
warn of privacy violation


From an organization linked to macrismo they compared the government’s app with those of other countries. They claim that personal data is not protected

One of the discussions that intensifies with the arrival of a new period of “strict” quarantine in the AMBA is the one that focuses on the functionality of the Caring app. And especially in the data exposure personal that implies its use.

The app was launched by the Government as a way to facilitate obtaining circulation permits and controls on the streets. However, a debate was soon opened about the privacy of the personal data that Argentines enter into it.

Now, a study by the LED Foundation (organization chaired by the former legislator macrista Sivina Giudici, who was also president of Enacom between 2018 and 2019) states that the app not only violates privacy, but is, in this respect, among the worst in the world.

According to the report, Argentina is in 5th place in the world ranking of the countries with the highest “impact on privacy” by the use of the CuidAR app. The study, which alerts on an “impact on individual freedoms” includes information about 31 countries.

In the ranking of the worst apps in relation to the preservation of privacy, Argentina is located after China, Bahrain, Korea, Iran and India.

The CuidAR app accesses personal and sensitive data through the application of a centralized privacy protocol that includes a degree of greater personal information. From the moment of registration, this centralized application grants and renews temporary identification as many times as necessary. This implies that there is no anonymity for uninfected users (according to the medical diagnosis made by the app) and, in addition to the phone number, additional information could be shared that would be at the discretion of the programmer, “the report warns.

And he adds: “It is established then that when the application, and therefore the system, is based on a centralized protocol, the risk of re-identification would be very high (there is no anonymity), the risk to privacy is high and does not comply. adequate transparency standards. ”

Together for Change rejects the mandatory use of the app

In late May, legislators and leaders of Together for Change asked the national government to clarify the mandatory use of the CuidAR application in the province of Buenos Aires in order to obtain the certificate to circulate, after the restrictions imposed in the new stage of quarantine by coronavirus in the metropolitan area

In a statement signed by the deputy Karina Banfi and the leaders Silvana Giudici (President of the LED Foundation), Samanta Maida, Alberto Crovara and Juan Bebi, Together for Change recalled that he made suggestions and asked the authorities maintain “the voluntary adherence of citizens to the Caring App”.

For the opposition, Kicillof must maintain the voluntariness in downloading the app

Against discharge

“Together for Change insists on the non-requirement of downloading the Caring App for circulation through any jurisdiction in the national territory. The lack of certainty in the face of consultations by the expert committee of our coalition and the announcement of a imminent obligation for citizens of the Province of Bs As prevent ensuring that personal information will be properly protected, “they considered.

They pointed out that “the download of the Unique Enabling Certificate for Circulation CUHC is carried out from the National Government’s Web page, the QR code to be carried on the cell phone can be obtained from the MI ARGENTINA application, so the governor’s requirement is not understood of the Province to compel Buenos Aires citizens to compulsively discharge CuidAR“they noted.

The opposition leaders recalled that their political space “had required the incorporation of security measures for the application, such as the opening of source codes and the possibility of carrying out computer audits on it that were not answered.”

The opposition stresses that the terms and conditions of the app are not clear

The opposition stresses that the terms and conditions of the app are not clear

They stressed that “Together for Change also demanded the destruction of the data collected at the end of the pandemic, but the reformulation of the Terms and Conditions does not express it.”

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Written by Argentina News

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