
Thursday weather: somewhat cloudy and cool in Capital Federal


A partially cloudy and cool day is expected in Capital Federal and its surroundings, according to the National Meteorological Service (SMN).

In that sense, this Thursday the winds will be from the northwest and the temperatures will be between 10 and 18 degrees.

Friday is expected to clear to somewhat cloudy, winds from the northwest rotating to the north and thermal marks that will oscillate between 10 and 18 degrees.

Meanwhile, on Saturday it is forecast partially cloudy sky and winds from the northwest shifting to the west, with a minimum temperature of 13 degrees and a maximum of 20.

For Sunday it is announced clear to somewhat cloudy sky, winds from the northwest rotating to the north and thermal marks that will go from 15 to 23 degrees, in what will be a day something more spring.


Written by Argentina News

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