
The heartbreaking account of the aunt of the young man who died in Banfield: “A van came that said ‘coronavirus'”


Matías Bessone collapsed on Maipú Street, in Balfield, a few meters from the health room to which he was walking accompanied by his mother. He needed medical attention but never came. They tried to revive him but he died. Now they study if I had coronavirus.

“My nephew suffered from asthma from birth. Last week you had bronchospasm and mom took him to Ricci’s living room. The doctor who reviewed him gave him a paff and medications. Yesterday (this Wednesday) he had finished the treatment. Got up today with chest pain. My sister-in-law told her: ‘Take a bath and let’s go to the control,’ “she told Matías’ aunt, Shirley González.

“They live in Maipú at 700 and they were already half a block when the baby broke down. He told his mother I can’t breathe and fell to the floor“he continued.

The woman asked for help. Matías measured more than 1.80 meters. and his mother several centimeters less. “He started screaming. A woman came to him who did CPR and the boy came to his senses and turned him on his side. Meanwhile, other people ran to the medical room but the doctor told them there was nothing he could do“Shirley said.

Minutes later, there was a knock on the door of Matías’ aunt, who lives on the same street. An unknown woman tells her that her nephew passed out and asked her to go. “I look at her and see that her eyes were watery”he recalled. It was a garden teacher sent by her sister-in-law.

When he arrived, Shirley saw two police cars and two ambulances. They did not let her pass, but from there she could see her nephew “lying on the floor covered with a consortium bag up to his waist”. Soon after, he arrived “a white utility truck that said coronavirus. And behind, another: it was the morguera“He described. Firefighters also burst onto the scene.

“I was able to get close to two meters from my sister-in-law. When she saw me, she told me: ‘I am asked to wake up and he doesn’t listen to me. Call him, you are Aunt and he will listen to you.'” At that moment, Shirley looked her in the eye and replied: “He went with God.”

According to Matías’ aunt, the first doctor to review Matías believes that an asthma episode caused his death. However, they must wait for the test result Covid-19 that would be this Saturday afternoon, as indicated by municipal health sources.

The young man’s mother and aunt waited almost an hour on the street for the swab to be completed. “Then they put him in three closed bags and put him in the morguera.”

The Ministries of Health of the Nation and the Province are aware of the case and await, like the family, the result of the laboratory study to know if they have to apply the protocol according to the pandemic with the body, which remains in the morgue of the Gandulfo Hospital.

Meanwhile, their relatives remain isolated. Although the municipality indicated that they are assisted by a team of psychologists from the Lomas de Zamora Health area, Matías’ aunt denied that information.

Parents and siblings are destroyed, as well as family, acquaintances, classmates and people from the neighborhood. It is unfortunate that as a baby of only 18 years old, he has not been able to enjoy life, “lamented her aunt.

“Matías was a boy from the house. He did not take drugs, he did not drink, he did not smoke and he only went to the house of his friend from the age of six, Lautaro,” he described it and assured that they take all the preventive measures for the coronavirus.

“My sister-in-law and I are the only ones who go out to buy to eat once a week and take all the necessary precautions for our families. We use masks, we disinfect everything when we enter our houses, half day we wash with bleach and ventilate. We protect our families accordingly, “he added.


Written by Argentina News

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