
Coronavirus | Electricity, water and gas outages are suspended for three months for non-payment


In another measure taken as a result of the increase in coronavirus cases in the country, the Government will issue a decree to prevent that, for the next three months, companies cut electricity, gas and water services for lack of payment.

Measurement will be taken in aid of users affected by the health crisis that caused the pandemic, and for the duration of the emergency.

The resolution is being studied in the Ministry of Energy (which depends on the Ministry of Productive Development), where it is analyzed if it is applied for the first residential categories -usually those with lower incomes-, if it excepts the highest or if it will have a universal character.

Measure would not reach residential telephone companies, as has already been done in other countries such as Spain, so as not to limit communication between those affected by the health crisis.

It is also not decided whether the users of public services will be extended or given facilities, especially to those whose income is restricted by the crisis to pay utility bills.

The Law of Social Solidarity and Productive Reactivation froze electricity and gas rates for the entire country until June 2020.

Article 5 establishes the 180-day maintenance of electricity rates, and recently President Alberto Fernández went out to deny the ministers They had anticipated that there would be an adjustment in the second semester.


Written by Argentina News

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